

"Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children."  Billy Graham

We live in a society where celebrity is more important than character (MacArthur, John.  The Quest for Character, pg. 9) and notariety is more important than nobility.  In fact the gap between the Christian values we find in the Bible and the values of the everyday American is becoming so wide that it has now become counter-cultural to be a believer in the United States of America.  Sadly, one of the most difficult realizations that I have suffered as a parent (should my children come to embrace the Gospel) is that the persecution that will fall upon the coming generations will be severe.  The question I must ask myself, is will they be prepared?

Of course, I have no delusions about my own failings and immaturities.  Indeed, my own inadequate character is a plague that breaks me daily, yet I have come to believe that despite my own pitfalls, the Lord may yet use me to help my children grow and mature, if I am willing to do the same.

The truth is that I don't need my kids to listen better, to behave well, or to impress the people around them with their manners.  I don't even need them to have a godly character.  What I need is to have a godly character myself and to be an effective witness to my children.

You see parents experience persecution from their children everyday (for unsaved children certainly react against righteousness, even with accusation, anger, rebellion and pride).  Yet, what our children will remember in days to come is how we responded.  We, in fact, will be their example in the midst of a sinful culture, for better or for worse, and as such be their tutors for how they are to respond when persecution comes at them.

There is no room for pride as a parent, if only for this reason, that we would not wish our child to be proud when suffering for Christ and to react in the flesh as we tend to do.  If we are concerned at all with the practical outcome of our tutelage, then we must be as humble as we would like them to be when facing the accusatory rage of another.

One final thought, to be clear, is that I am not talking about mere opinion, as if it were important what our children think about us as parents.  Again, unsaved children may not hold a favorable view of their mothers and their fathers until such time as they themselves repent.  What I am talking about is the actual impact of our lives upon theirs over the long term, and whether our example points them to Christ or not.  You see, the answer to every character flaw (ours and theirs) is to forsake our own way that we might follow the way of Christ, no matter what anyone else might think or say.  For in the Lord Jesus Christ there is no flaw.   He is the highest example of moral excellence, exemplary virtue and godly character.  If our children are to be prepared for persecution, who better then Christ for their example?  Therefore, we must be sure that He is our own.

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