
Monday, August 3, 2009

Toddler Trunk Idea

Here's a nifty idea for keeping the little ones busy during school time! It's called a Toddler Trunk! Inside are safe and fun things for kiddos to do to better their coordination and concentration skills!
  • Old pictures glued onto index cards and hooked together with a ring ( or a piece of ribbon) make a quick photo book.
  • Plastic tongs can be used to pick up little objects (erasers, little bouncy balls, little rocks, rotini noodles, etc.) for a great fine motor skills activity!
  • A magnifying glass and different items to observe (old piece of carpet, sea shells, different textured fabric scraps, etc.) can be a great learning activity for your toddler!
  • Give your child a paint brush, small cup of water, and a sheet of construction paper for some water painting!
  • Fill a deep baking pan or bucket with rice or beans. You can hide foam letters and numbers in the pan and have them search for the hidden treasures. I often sit my children inside an old plastic swimming pool along with the container of rice/beans and let them dig away!
  • Colored craft sticks can be placed in matching colored cups.
  • Have your child clip clothespins to a piece of decorated cardboard.
  • Old paper towel tubes and boxes make great tunnels and garages for that little car lover in your home!

JoEllen Hurst ( Weekly Newsletter, dtd. 07/27/09)