Basic Skills
- Identifies colors and shapes
- Identifies opposites
- Understands positional concepts
- Names days of the week in order
Reading Readiness
- Follows multiple-step directions
- Recites the alphabet
- Identifies capital letters in random order
- Identifies lowercase letters in random order
- Identifies sounds made by letters
- Identifies characters in stories
- Identifies setting in stories
- Can retell a story
- Identifies problem/solution in a story
- Reads color words
- Reads some words by sight
- Counts objects to 20
- Writes numbers to 20
- Identifies numbers to 20 in random order
- Rote counts to 100
- Counts by 10's to 100
- Uses ordinal numbers
- Reads a graph
- Identifies and continues established patterns
Writing Readiness
- Dictates a sentence about a picture
- Writes from left to right
- Leaves spaces between words
- Writes some words independently
- Writes own sentences using sounds
- Uses punctuation in sentences
Fine (Small) Motor Skills
- Colors within lines
- Draws shapes
- Holds a pencil
- Prints letters and numbers
- Cuts a line with scissors