
Monday, August 3, 2009

Calm, Cool and Collected

These days the pressure has really increased...not really with homeschool issues, just with life issues...and it seems hard to believe but by the grace of God I am doing just fine. In fact, the more distressed I am tempted to feel the more I am seeking to lean on the Lord and to trust Him with strength, with hope and with joy.

My biggest concern is that once homeschool starts the pressure will increase to such a point as to make it a difficult experience and thereby discourage us! It has caused me to realize, yet again, that the matter of sending one's kids away to school is sometimes because the other issues of life are permitted to crowd out one's mind, heart, time and energy. Of course, public school may be the only option for some...I'm not being insensitive to was, after all, the only option my mother had at the time. Yet, I do have the choice and along with that the obligation to make the best decision(s) that I can!

I'm asking the Lord to enable me not only to walk through the various trials and difficulties of life in dependence upon Him but also to enable me to discern where my own decision making or even my own personal pursuits contribute to the complexity of the day. There is nothing wrong with weeding out the unnecessary and in fact, it is a desirable thing to do for one who wants to make the most of the opportunity!

From a worldly perspective it may seem silly to put aside my own desires and preoccupations, like continuing my education or involving myself in more church activity, in order to stay home and make purple hippopotamuses out of egg cartons, but I'm not living according to the expectations of this world! I am living for my Savior and committed to His will for me! He is leading me to be at home with these kiddos and He will supply the strength and the encouragement that I need!