
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sample Kindergarten Schedule!

One of the joys of homeschooling is that you can set a schedule designed just for you that reflects your priorities!  Still, as everyone with little kids knows, a schedule can be defeating if you think that it's the thing your world will spin according to.  So, while you may benefit from having a structure to your day, just remember to be realistic.  Expect that there will be times you will need to wing it, and make it a habit to tweak your schedule when it will help you to better accomplish your goals.

As a friend once shared with me:  "Schedules aren't sovereign: God is."

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday


Calendar Time
Reading & Writing Notebook
Math Activity
Bible Time: Old Testament


Catechism Questions
Bible Memory

Special Projects & Activities
Field Trips/Errands
Home Care Assignments

Free-Time Activities: Imagination Station (self-made crafts and little inventions); Math Games & Manipulatives Table; Reading Corner; Coloring Exercises (painting, crayons, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk); Magnet Board; Flannel Board; Dress Up and Role-Play Station; Toddler Trunk; Listening Activities (audio books, playtime music).